Kemarin di sekolah gw ada acara donor darah . Tapi letaknya bukan di sekolah gw tapi di SMK Strada II Taman Sari. Gw sih antusias buat ikut donor darah . Soalnya gw tuh gemuk dan sering makan yang "enak- enak " kayak berlemak dllnya.. dan gw juga bukan orang yang takut amat - amat sama jarum makanya gw memberanikan diri. Sesampai di sana, gw sih asik - asik aja .. Dan ini pertama kalinya loh gw ikut donor darah. hahah
Kurang lebih 30 menit kemudian giliran gw nih yang dipanggil buat dites dulu apakah darah gw layak atau tidak buat didonorkan. Pertama dites dulu beratnya. Nah gw lolos tuh. Soalnya berat gw udah melampaui batasnya. Lalu ke tahap tes hemoglobin. Eh,.. gw gak lolos. Soalnya hemoglobin gw belum mencukupi yaitu 11.3 dari yang dianjurkan 12.5 . Hemoglobin itu adalah suatu zat yang terdapat pada sel darah merah yang berfungsi untuk mengangkut oksigen dari paru - paru hingga ke seluruh tubuh. Waduh.. gimana toh... Tapi gak papa lah.. sekiranya gw jadi tau tentang keadaan gw. hahahaha..
"What beautiful blossoms we have this year," he said, sitting down beside her. Then he pointed to a pink and white bud. "Look. This one's late. But I'll bet when it will be the most beautiful of all." -Mulan-
Ada tidak yang lebih susah dari UAS 2011/2012????
Akhirnya seneng juga , UAS telah selesai. Gue udah bener - bener pasrah sama UAS yang satu ini. Seumur- umur gw gak pernah yang namanya hopeles selama UAS. Di mana- mana UAS tuh satu- satunya cara untuk memperbaiki nilai dan mencapai hasil yang memuaskan di ijazah. Eh taunya ini UAS tuh kagak. Tau gak kenapa? Soalnya yang buat soalnya itu RAYON!! Grrr….. Udah deh bener- bener banyak UAS yang feeling gw tuh FAILED!! Hadoh.. Lulus gak yah? Lucu banget kan kalau misalnya gw tuh gak lulus gara- gara UAS olahraga gw tuh jatuh.. Hahahahahahahah.. Tapi untungnya masih ada harapan karena dibantu sama nilai rapor dari kelas X sampai kelas XII semester ganjl. Trus yah.. Ada beberapa soal nih yang dibuat sama sekolah kayak agama, produktif, seni budaya, dan Bahasa Mandarin .. Jadinya gw gak terlalu deg- deg an . Sama aja sih ada yang susah juga…
Agama | Success |
Bahasa Indonesia | success |
Mat | Success |
Penjas | Failed |
2. Inggris | Success |
Ips | Failed |
Pkn | Failed |
Kewirausahaan | Failed |
Kkpi | Failed |
Seni budaya | Failed |
Bahasa mandarin | Success |
Ipa | abstain |
exam mode on by ~BuRnWithMyDeSiRe on deviantART
high school life,
Kapan selesainya??,
Road to UAN and UAS,
Jakarta Capital Region, Indonesia
Finally PERSADA has done!!
Yeay ! I'm so glad for this time because PERSADA has done and has printed. Btw what is PERSADA? PERSADA is my school magazine. It was made by OSIS SMK Strada 1. Honestly, I'm not an OSIS now , but my period has left a task which have not done, (it is PERSADA). There were some obstacles when did PERSADA. :) . But fortunely it has been over come.
In this oportunity I salute Mega's hard work which responsible of this magazine. And also I wanna thank you for Tante Effie who is the owner of Printing House , Mr. Matias as SMK Strada 1's headmaster (for your advices), Mr. Wens and Mr. Albert as OSIS' elders . One someone who has a marvelous idea for cover , Albert . (thanks bro.. The cover will like such errrr… if you don't suggest me. )
Next, I want to explain you how difficult when I was doing PERSADA:
- I had inserted many amazing pictures as the layouts, but were ignoring by the printing house because the designs would entered to something mechine and made increase the cost. Because of it, I might change the layout designs
- Some articles which Mega has done were ignoring by the headmaster. So Mega might look for the articles again and made the work was pending.
- I made some faults while doing PERSADA like didn't count how many pages did I need so I might change some pages, and I inputed Agustina's achievement guilty until I called her phone and my friends. Hahaha
- Even the magazine has printed it still has two faults at the table of content and the words.. Akhhhhhh!!!!! Forgive me guys!! How sad I'm..
- And also I'm so sorry for Agustina, Alfino, and Yanto because I didn't attach your photos… I'm so sorry!!!
Altough making PERSADA has made me underpresure ( Lebay bgt , gak koq tenang aja..) actually, I'm glad for this experience because designing is my passion so it's a honor for me .
Mom Vs Cockroachs
My God ! Today is my horrible day! Soalnya banyak banget kecoa yang keluar dari dapur rumah gw... sekitar 400 kecoa kali ada.. untungnya mama gw bisa mengantisipasinya. gw sampai beli obat semprot, ampe bakar kertas di dapur dan sampai beli kapur barus yang ternyata gak mempan buat matiin kecoanya. Hahahaha... Tapi akhirnya kecoa itu mati juga. hahahaha...
Congratulation Mom!! You're the hero!!
Congratulation Mom!! You're the hero!!
10 Benefits Join The Organization
When I was a Junior high student, I thought that active in organization was tiring, wasting time, spending money and also distrubing my study activities. But now I am aware is how important to join the organization. In this part I want to explain ..
1. You can get a lot of friends who you can't ever meet.
2. You will be an organized person.
3. You will be more responsible.
4. You can be dinamic about time and change.
5. You will accept for personality difference
6. You will improve your skills and talents.
7. You will know how to manage your time.
8. You will get other knowledge which you never know before.
9. Be more clever (haha)
10. Learn your strength and your weakness .
1. You can get a lot of friends who you can't ever meet.
2. You will be an organized person.
3. You will be more responsible.
4. You can be dinamic about time and change.
5. You will accept for personality difference
6. You will improve your skills and talents.
7. You will know how to manage your time.
8. You will get other knowledge which you never know before.
9. Be more clever (haha)
10. Learn your strength and your weakness .
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